Monday 8 September 2014

Higgs Boson Indication

Higgs boson indication is a significant operation based on a logical analysis, this operation has three levels of magnitude (0, 1, 2), and it is applicable in all fields of
science and scientific researches. In today’s post I am willing to share with you my connection to the heavy rain which is a significant indication of rain magnitude; this heavy rain is a true fact which we are seeing everywhere in the world.

Someone can ask why there is more water in the Nile River? I think that to answer to this question we need to understand two activated mechanisms in this new era where our universe is living in. The first mechanism is applicable when it starts raining, the second one starts when it stops raining. I think that the first mechanism is more important than the second one because the water molecule is denser.

When time particles gets wider the water molecule gets wider too, that means that a clear net quantity of water has added to the existing quantity of water before Higgs boson experiment had happened. Let’s say that the annual average quantity of rain in London is (100) mm before Higgs boson experiment, but during Higgs boson experiment the annual quantity of rain will be at least 200 mm.

Substrates are likely to appear everywhere, because of the double dose of water molecule which will lead to a double development of the plants. There are many examples of substrates such as grape fruits and fig fruits, there are many other fruits which will be abundant and growing everywhere. I think that humanity will have a luxury life enjoying some other fruits which are not known yet. These conditions will not last for long just in one exception.

Flowers, flowers, and flowers, we are already seeing healthy happy flowers showing off; their consequences are tall grasses soaked with the water molecule. The chemical equation below has all the meaning to this beautiful scene.

Glucose + Water → Flower Syrup
C6H12O6 + H2O → C6H13O7

From the above chemical equation we understand that heavy rain is fulfilling flowers with higher quantity of water than the normal one.

When the rain stops, the second mechanism starts which is decomposing; the main key player in this mechanism is the Sulphur. We had already seen that the role of Sulphur in the decomposition of masses in earlier posts, but it is interesting to add the chemical equation below as an example of decomposition.

Sulphur + Butane gas + Water → Sulphuric acid
S + C4H10 + H2O → SC4H20O10

I will be more than happy to see you sharing this post with the rest of the world.

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