Saturday 13 September 2014

Higgs Boson Synchronization

The synchronization which I would like to talk about is unique, perfect and a harmonious synchronization. Everybody knows that CERN is building a big machine to smash protons against each other, and to look for something called Higgs boson to
come out from this incident. I am standing here and saying what CERN is doing is completely wrong, and nothing will come out from this experiment.

Higgs boson synchronization is the adjustment of the weather elements in order to come up with new weather systems; these new ones have the ability to bring back into the past the composition of planet earth, most of the elements participating in the building of the new weather systems are: Chemical elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, winds, clouds, heat, frost, mist, rain, snow, breeze, freeze, magma, volcanoes ash, ice, sea water, tides, desert, sand storms, tornadoes, salt grains, mica grains, low pressure, high pressure, underground water, rivers, seashores sand movement, plants, trees, algae, magnetism, gales, earth rotation, current, hurricanes, cool air, humidity, supernovas, lightning, thunder, gravity and  sea waves.

From the listed elements above there are so many combinations to create a weather system which is good or bad in any area in the world and the rest will follow.

Higgs boson synchronization is not only about changing a weather system but its also about economical integration; millions of new products could be produced, its just a matter of simple chemical equations. My experiment on Higgs boson has already showed us that the production of many different prehistoric animals is possible; cited in “Higgs Boson Monster” Post  and I am willing to start a partnership with Richard Branson to open the first and the unique zoological park of prehistoric animals. Also Phylogeny will have a certified reference to complete the phylogenetic trees from the top to the bottom without gaps.

My experiment on Higgs boson has a unique character which is simplicity; it is simple but the results are gigantesque such as realizing Winchester dreams and Minnesota Harlem globetrotters. The drawing below shows the right meaning to Higgs boson synchronization.

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