Sunday 1 March 2015

Higgs Boson The Finalist

From the title of this post we understand that in Higgs boson field everything is put in order and in a fine manner from the single quark to the whole universe, maybe some people think that our travel back will put everything in anarchy and chaos, this is totally wrong because Higgs boson mechanism is built on (-1, +1), so any substituted atom or molecule will be replaced by a new one.

Higgs boson finalisation is based on Higgs boson sinusoidal waves and Higgs boson acoustic waves to create a perfect homogeny between particles, we can see this combination in many aspect of life such as high depressions, low depressions, volcanoes, rivers' burst and beaches level. It is also a complex of chemicals stratified in a fine order due to Higgs boson acoustic waves vibrations; this vibrations concass every energy to it’s lowest form which is three quarks and also rebuild higher energy forms starting from three quarks this is simply because Higgs boson field is build on 2(π).

Finalising Higgs boson as a particle is a long process as it contains many elements which are not possible to be seen due to the incapacity of the present technology. I always say that the only solution to innovate technologies is to use the available high room temperature superconductor to make it possible to fabricate developed tools capable of looking at the finniest particles and their elements. The system I created Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is the only answer to fabricate a high room temperature superconductor with (100) per cent efficiency.

Higgs boson finalization has to pass through Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) as it is the holder to all secrets of known and unknown matter, this matter could be presented in an unlimited sets of results depending on the kind of energy form used inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs). After all this work and researches the discovery of Higgs boson started to give it’s fruits to humanity.

I think that to see Higgs boson finalization in natural phenomena is possible just with a little concentrated observation; I like to look at the speed of clouds is very impressive and at the sun rise in high depression day, or listening to birds singing in an early morning or to sea waves falling on the beaches. Higgs boson finalization is giving a sharp sense to life and we have just to notice this sharpness.

Finalization is a slowdown of Higgs boson sinusoidal waves to meet (π2) at it’s lowest energy and it is the reversal of time in the opposite direction to meet it each time at (+1), to understand this statement is by looking at the palmier tree; the more Higgs boson sinusoidal waves get towards (π2) it’s lowest energy the more the palmier tree gets bigger up to (10) times than it’s normal size, and that’s why I wrote “Higgs Boson Fish” post because some things are getting smaller and others are getting bigger.

To conclude this post I have to tell to the world to make good plans to adapt with the new era of life, and to all communities to become one in all and all in one and living in good neighbourhood if not a lot will be wasted.


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