Tuesday 17 November 2015

Higgs Boson Magnetism (58)

Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown is the most important discovery ever done, and I am proud to present it with further explanation to the world. This post is bringing with it an explanation to Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown consequences on planet earth; these consequences are our subject, and I would like to cite five of them in the paragraphs below.

The first consequence of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown on planet earth is planet earth deformation; planet earth shape has to change from oval to further oval and this is due to Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown, and to understand the process which is leading to a new image of planet earth we should understand the entered energy forms in Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) in the historical experiment on Higgs boson; because (4) Rugosa corals are (8) of Higgs bosons holding (4) liters of fortified water, and this is what is leading to particle accumulation on the tropical line of planet earth. Because Higgs boson magnetism becomes more powerful when it’s acceleration is slowed down and that’s why soustraction could be seen in (-2) from planet earth poles to be added (+2) to the tropical line.

The second consequence of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown on planet earth is winds speed increase; winds are already increasing because of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown, to understand the process of the increase in winds’ speed is by looking at soustarction; because (-2) submitted quarks leads to (+2) in Higgs boson magnetism pulling power and this last is more capable to pull particles than Higgs boson magnetism pulling power in the 1st stage of the new era of life. The more particles are pulled with higher power the more winds speed is higher.

The third consequence of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown on planet earth is trees breaking; trees will fall down because of the winds’ high speed. I think that the world will see so many broken trees, and this scene will remind you about Higgs boson experiment.

The fourth consequence of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown on planet earth is lakes disappearance; lakes will disappear because of the high water evaporation, and because the water molecule will be in hold in the sky for very long time simply lakes will wait for very long time to receive some water to refill.

The last consequence of Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown on planet earth is dry rivers; rivers will dry up from their water because of many causes such as higher heat, high water evaporation, less rain and trees absorption to their water. This scene could be seen in the next few months from now.

I am sure that there will be so many resulted scenes from Higgs boson magnetism acceleration slowdown and bear in mind that all these scenes are from Higgs boson experiment to prove it’s discovery.

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